一个六岁小孩的心脏都停止跳动了. 他妈妈帮他做了心肺复苏.


Oscar Stuebe went into cardiac arrest during a baseball game after the ball hit his chest. (图片由Sarah Stuebe提供)
Oscar Stuebe went into cardiac arrest during a baseball game after the ball hit his chest. (图片由Sarah Stuebe提供)

当梭鱼棒球队发现自己需要几名球员时, 6-year-old Oscar Stuebe was happy to fill in as a teammate with his 7-year-old brother, Connor.

The Stuebe brothers also played together on The Yankees, another team in Palm Beach County, Florida. 在洋基队最近的一场比赛中,他们完成了一个有趣的壮举. Oscar caught a pop fly in right field and threw it to Connor at first base for a double play.

在双杀之后的第二天,梭鱼队打了一场双打. 在第二场比赛的第五局,奥斯卡站在中场等候. The boys' mother, Sarah, watched eagerly from the stands, snapping photos and cheering along. 他们的父亲莱利(Riley)在教练席上担任助理教练.

击球手打了一个高飞球. 这没什么不寻常的, 在这个赛季里,所有球员和家长都见过几十次这样的孩子. 但那天不一样.

Oscar took off running, his small legs powering him across the dusty field, his mitt in the air. 看起来他接住了球. 人群爆发出一阵欢呼. 然后球掉了下来,奥斯卡低下头,倒下了.

莱利以为他儿子吓得魂不附体. 一旦他意识到事情不止于此, 他放下手中的写字板,向儿子跑去.

莱丽能感觉到事情很不对劲. 他尖叫道:“莎拉!尖声问道, panic-filled tone that prompted her to immediately call 911 and rush down from the bleachers to the field.

When Sarah reached Oscar, his limbs were stiff and his eyes had rolled into the back of his head. Sarah thought he was having a seizure, but he had no history of a seizure disorder. 然后他就不动了. 他的脸变得灰白,喘着粗气.


喘气间隔的沙巴足球体育平台更长了. Sarah, 谁是护士?, 开始进行心肺复苏术,并大声叫人拿起AED, 自动体外除颤器的简称. 只是,那里没有除颤器.

莎拉知道如何进行高质量的胸外按压. 她进入了“护士模式”,在他的胸部中央用力而快速地推着. 奥斯卡仍然软弱无力,毫无反应.


萨拉的胳膊累了,她的心跳加速,眼泪涌了出来. 形势的严重性使她感到震惊. 她正在做一件她从未想过自己会做的事:给自己的儿子做心肺复苏术.

Another mother – a physician's assistant – was watching her son play ball on an adjacent field and heard about what was happening. 她跑到现场,接过萨拉的心肺复苏术.


急救人员继续对他进行心肺复苏,并给他接上了AED. 奥斯卡有心室颤动, a life-threatening abnormal heart rhythm that happens when the heart's lower chambers (ventricles) quiver instead of contracting normally. This can prohibit the heart from pumping blood, cause a collapse, and lead to cardiac arrest. 如果不及时治疗,几分钟内就会致命.

当救护车快速驶向医院时,萨拉和莱利坐在前面. 急救人员对奥斯卡的心脏进行了电击.

但他的心率很低,只有每分钟37次. EMTs continued CPR and drew up a syringe of epinephrine to help correct his abnormally low rhythm.



“我们看到了他的脉搏,”一名消防员证实. “但他现在需要帮助."

在急诊室,奥斯卡接受了脑部扫描、x光和核磁共振检查. Sarah and Riley sat in a small waiting room in metal chairs surrounded by tissue boxes. 他们确信医生会来告诉他们奥斯卡没有活下来. 他们跪下来祈祷.

一个护士走过来. “他还活着,靠呼吸机呼吸,”她说. “你可以看到他."

呼吸机帮助奥斯卡呼吸. 他脸色苍白,神情镇静.

"This is a case like Damar Hamlin," Oscar's cardiologist told the Stuebes, referring to the NFL球员和他的心脏骤停 在足球场上. 如此罕见,“就像被闪电击中一样,”他说.

The baseball had hit Oscar in the chest and threw his heart out of a normal rhythm and caused it to stop beating. 胸部受到打击导致的心脏骤停被称为心绞痛.

奥斯卡的预后取决于他的大脑缺氧的沙巴足球体育平台. 是的,莎拉很快就找到了他. 但速度够快吗? Had her compressions helped push enough oxygenated blood to his brain and other vital organs?


他们的牧师来到医院和他们一起祈祷. 莎拉的父母也是如此.

家人牵着奥斯卡的手. “我们爱你,我们在这里,你很安全。”这是他们反复对他说的话.

Oscar coughed all night, which actually was a good sign; it meant his brain was responsive. On that Monday morning, doctors weaned him off the ventilator and he started breathing on his own.

但是奥斯卡很激动,说着胡话. He thought animals were in the hospital room and asked for someone to pass him the ball. 也许这是他们给他的止痛药的副作用,莎拉想. 或者她儿子有脑损伤.

睡眠是最好的治疗方法. 奥斯卡从星期六晚上起就没怎么睡过觉. 星期二晚上,他终于进入了长沙巴足球体育平台的深度睡眠.

周三早上,他醒来揉了揉眼睛. 他看着莎拉.


萨拉转向莱利. “他回来了,”她流着泪说.

Oscar Stuebe (center) with his parents, Riley and Sarah, after he woke up in the hospital. (图片由Sarah Stuebe提供)
Oscar Stuebe (center) with his parents, Riley and Sarah, after he woke up in the hospital. (图片由Sarah Stuebe提供)

Oscar looked at the balloons and the other trinkets in his room that friends and family had sent. “这些是什么?”?" he asked.




奥斯卡以为他是来切除扁桃腺的, 家人计划在几周后进行手术. 莎拉和莱利解释说他在棒球场上出了车祸.

在接下来的几天里,奥斯卡接受了物理和语言治疗. 周五,他牵着莎拉和莱利的手独自行走. 医生让他出院.

奥斯卡整整一个星期没去上学. 接下来的一周是春假. 他和他的三个兄弟, Connor, plus Sean, 9, and Cyril, 3, 用当地一家非营利组织赠送的游戏机玩电子游戏.

在家里,萨拉想着事情本来可以很容易地变得不同. She and Riley keep saying and thinking a particular sentiment: "We could have had one less kid at our table."


斯图比兄弟(左起):肖恩、西里尔、奥斯卡和康纳. (图片由Sarah Stuebe提供)
斯图比兄弟(左起):肖恩、西里尔、奥斯卡和康纳. (图片由Sarah Stuebe提供)

三个月后, 奥斯卡恢复正常了, 和他的兄弟们在后院扔棒球——只花了一点钱. All of the boys now wear a shirt with built-in protection around their heart to blunt the impact of a direct hit from a ball.

“我们定了个规矩,”莎拉说. “我们告诉孩子们,‘你们现在穿的是心形t恤.’”斯图布一家像对待棒球头盔一样对待它, 他们想让孩子们穿心形t恤作为防护装备成为常态.

康纳棒球队的每个孩子现在都穿着这件t恤, especially after a 10-year-old in their county experienced commotio cordis shortly after Oscar. (这名男孩被一台AED救活了,现在没事了.)

奥斯卡还没有回到自己的球队. 至于莎拉,她暂时搁置了生育护士的职业生涯. 除了需要更多的沙巴足球体育平台来处理所发生的一切, 她和她的家人正处于创立奥斯卡·斯特朗基金会的早期阶段, a nonprofit organization to increase awareness of sudden cardiac arrest during sports. They've made it their mission to talk to anyone who will listen about the importance of CPR, too.


该基金会将帮助人们了解这一信息. 斯图布一家想要得到更多 AEDs onto Florida sports fields and work with teams to establish emergency response plans that include heart events. An AED has been donated to the foundation for installation on the field where Oscar's event happened. 这片田地在夏天关闭了, 所以它将在9月份开始的娱乐联赛中就位.

Sarah likes to ask people to notice if the top five places they regularly visit in their community have an AED.

“在你的社区里,它们真的应该像出口标志一样显眼,”她说. “aed必须是可用的和可获得的. 沙巴足球体育平台就是生命."

莱利补充说:“知道如何以及何时做心肺复苏术,不要害怕使用它. 希望你永远不用这么做,但如果你这么做了,你可以救别人的命."

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.


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